Real-World Success Stories from Alorica and
Customer expectations have evolved.
Solving a problem is no longer good customer service. The new customer experience is continuously evolving to include personalization across the entire CX journey. New CX methods need both good tech and operations to work well when outsourced to BPOs. When done well, the results are outstanding.
Continue reading to understand how BPO transformation can enhance efficiency and cost-effectiveness, with a spotlight on practical examples and strategies that have effectively revolutionized CX.
The New Era of Customer Interaction
Integrating Tech and Human Ingenuity: BPO Transformation
In CX organizations, the customer is still king. In the digital transformation universe, so is data. Finding a balance of technology and human ingenuity is more delicate than ever.
“There’s a big tectonic shift that’s happening with customers, their expectations, and how they respond to good and bad experiences,” shares Prashant Kandukuri, Vice President & Go to Market Leader of Digital Solutions at Alorica IQ and customer.
This new era of customer interaction brings new demands to revolutionize the customer experience (CX). Traditional digital transformation models are no longer effective. It’s now essential to forge a partnership between innovative technology and streamlined operations.
Business process outsourcing (BPO) solutions is an industry known for being at the forefront of innovation. In fact, for many BPOs, transformation is almost second nature. But now, there is a new mounting mounting pressure–and urgency–from Gen AI and automation advances. it’s changing how customers expect to be treated.
For those on the fence of whether to hop on the AI train, there’s good reason to consider it.
A study by HFS Research found that more decisive competitors enjoy 10-20% improvements in business benefits from implementing AI. BPOs (Business Process Outsourcing) must continue to drive efficiency and reduce their costs. Customers leveraging BPO services want an outsourced team to improve the bottom line. Whether it’s improving their CSAT, first call resolution metrics, or general NPS, results are a mandate.
For a successful BPO transformation, leaders must decide what matters to customers and implement measurable changes that employees can see.
Powering CX with Data Insight
Data: Your BPO Transformation Blueprint
Having data and using it are two different (but solvable) challenges. Typically, BPOs ‘have data’, but formatting, latency, and gatekeeping limit its value. This leads to an organizational disconnect where companies may collect data, but fail to use it appropriately.
Historically, we’ve been limited to using data from samples that took time to collect, analyze, and implement any necessary changes. This process was prone to delays. If an agent calls out sick, or another unexpected interruption happens, the entire project is stalled.

Today, digital transformation for BPOs looks different. Now, data can be captured, organized, and used during a phone call or chat. AI is equipping agents with data that helps them in real-time with customer-problem resolutions.
Becoming very skilled in using digital technology takes more than just adding a bot to your work. The news often makes it seem like new AI technology is the key to reaching this important level.
Instead, it requires a comprehensive strategy that encompasses various aspects of your organization, including workforce training, process optimization, data management, and security protocols. Without an integrated approach to digital transformation, simply adding a bot or other advanced technology solutions will not be enough to achieve true digital maturity.
BPO firms employ highly skilled representatives who may approach the same issue differently on various days or in contrast to their colleagues. Executives are still hoping for a day where data on demand drives decisions in a timely and efficient manner. And the customer just wants his or her issue to be solved as quickly and painlessly as possible.
In many ways, that’s the crux of successful customer experience: an unexpected, delightful interaction with a help desk. The trouble for many BPOs undergoing digital transformation efforts is being able to maximize their employees’ skills, leverage automation where valuable, and continuously deliver this experience at scale.
For instance, dynamic Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) powered by AI can rapidly initiate appropriate actions depending on the current situation, either through automation or by empowering employees.
Today’s AI-powered discovery capabilities, like can continuously capture, translate, and prescribe repeatable success. You can augment the data you capture to understand: What is currently happening; what is the ideal state; and how do you get there?
By constantly capturing data related to tasks, events, and human interactions, you can access the required data to make informed decisions. In fact, this has been a critical strategy for one of Alorica’s customer successes.
With, Alorica helped one of its customers find process improvements that led to a $2.5 million annual savings discovery from data capture. Unlike traditional task and data mining tools, is an organizational process excellence tool that continuously configures data by different lenses.
Executives can use productivity mining for better micro and macro decision-making. Identify trends, build scenario analyses, or figure out how to roll out AI across your organization. Armed with this knowledge, businesses can proactively adjust their strategies to keep a competitive edge.
But first, you need data to make these types of informed decisions to scale a better CX experience.
Nurturing Adoption and the Human Spark
Igniting Adoption Success
As you know, data isn’t the only criterion for success. If people aren’t willing to embrace this cultural shift, your plan is once again stalled. BPO transformation cannot happen without a blend of human and digital symbiotic efforts.
Prashant Kandukuri, Vice President & Go to Market Leader of Digital Solutions at Alorica IQ and customer shared with us, “At the end of the day, it’s all about being human. If you go back into history, all major technological transformations have gone through various levels of evolution. That’s the secret at the end of the day. It’s not in breaking down complex problems into manageable chunks, setting milestones, running agile projects, etc. How do you make it human?”
And to get your teams on board, you need to solve a problem. Too often, companies dive into the technology before they’ve named the problem they’re trying to solve. When you know what you’re trying to achieve, then you can generate the necessary data points. Are you more productive or do you resolve your customers’ problems faster?
By translating data into insights and then to recommendations, you start achieving your new goals. Nowadays, leaders must show profound understanding and boldness to act. The choice to do nothing can seem more appealing, but in the end, it just delays the inevitable. Your actions from today are paramount to your success tomorrow.
The latest AI craze creates immense pressure on leaders to show use cases and results, hence BPO transformation. This pressure cascades down the corporate ladder, creating confusion and uncertainty. The ultimate target is to embrace this change. Empower your teams to focus on their unique skills and leave the rest to constantly be improving technology.
Invest in comprehensive training programs that enable your staff to use the potent capabilities of these technological partners. Your team’s ability in using AI tools effectively will work like enchantment, producing spellbinding results across all sides of customer service.
If changing BPO processes was simple, we would already be finished with it. helps companies find the intersection where tech amplifies human skills. With the right data, teams, and strategy you deliver a transformed CX journey that integrates efficiency and satisfaction from end to end. This balance is the secret to an unparalleled customer journey. Find tools that equip you with the capabilities you need to gain maximum effectiveness, certain tools are essential to champion a data-centric culture and to empower your teams with knowledge and purpose.
Go beyond training employees on how to ask questions into Chat GPT, and offer training and support—think workshops, help desks, and other upskilling that instill confidence and mastery. Management must be an exemplary source of technological innovation, strategy, and results.
Throughout BPO transformation, the human touch is still irreplaceable.
When deciding on which tools to incorporate into your team’s workflow, it is important to choose ones that will uplift and enhance the productivity and effectiveness of your team members. By carefully selecting tools tailored to your team’s specific needs and preferences, you can ensure that they can work more efficiently and collaboratively.
Tools that offer features such as real-time collaboration, task tracking, and integration with other software can greatly improve the overall functionality of your team and help them achieve their goals more effectively. By prioritizing and uplifting your teams through tools, you can create a more positive and successful working environment for everyone involved.
Automate the mundane and free your employees to spend time contributing to the work that matters. Cultivate a culture where tech and talent support one another.
By embracing a philosophy that allows operations and technology to advance in tandem, you’re poised to cultivate a CX journey for today’s expectations where personalized service, operational efficiency, and responsive CX flourish.
A special thank you to Prashant Kandukuri and the Alorica IQ team for their contributions to this article.